For those of you who are interested in politics and took note of my brief musings on the election from a European perspective, this article does a really good job of clarifying some of my observations:
A quote: "Spain's left wing El Pais described Palin as 'a figure who comes from the America that is farthest removed from and incomprehensible to the European spectator.'"
I know that this is not a political blog, but I've found the political climate here to be particularly interesting, especially at such a crucial point in American politics. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject.... in fact, my very Republican roommate and I have had a host of very interesting discussions on the matter. (Yes, I do sleep with a McCain/Palin bumper sticker on my bunk bed.....)
Palin is a total fox!
You would say that. Of course you won't get any argument from me.
( ;o{ }
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